2 Mart 2020 Pazartesi

Scrum - Product Owner

Product Owner, Scrum'daki en önemli rollerden birisi. Aşağıda bu rol ile ilgili bazı notlarım var.

Product Manager ve Product Owner
Product Manager çok daha uzun soluklu bir bakışa sahip olmalı. Açıklaması şöyle.
Contrary to a project, that can comprise a temporary slot in time, a product itself is more long term. In essence, product management revolves around the product, i.e. anything that can be offered to a market to solve an issue or cater to a need (or want).

The Product Manager is responsible for a product’s success through the whole product lifecycle. Focusing on the “what” more than the “how,” a Product Manager holds a high-level view and steers the growth and progress of the product.
Diğer Roller
İş yerlerinde bir çok farklı rol daha olabiliyor. Bazı roller şöyle. Product Owner'ın hepsiyle iletişim kurması gerekebilir.
UI Designer
UX Designer
Brand Designer
UX Writer
Product Owner Tek Bir Kişidir
Açıklaması şöyle. Product Owner bir komite değildir.
"The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. The Product Owner may represent the desires of a committee in the Product Backlog, but those wanting to change a Product Backlog item’s priority must address the Product Owner."
Product Owner Kime Hesap Verir
Aslında Scrum bu sorunun cevabıyla ilgilenmiyor. Eğer ideal şartlar varsa Product Owner zaten ürün paydaşlarından birisi olduğu için idari anlamda sadece üst yönetime hesap verir. Açıklaması şöyle. Ancak gerçek hayatta bu ne kadar böyle oluyor bence durum değişken. Bir çok yerde Product Owner ekipteki bir mühendis te olabiliyor.
The Product Owner is the person who is directly accountable to business stakeholders for the product and ideally is herself a senior business stakeholder or a nominated representative of a department or management team. It's often the case that they are also a business unit manager, perhaps reporting to a sales, marketing or operations director. Typically, being a product owner will not be the PO's main or only responsibility, although in recent years there has been a trend of appointing full-time Product Owners, reporting up to a product manager, director or "change" team.

The PO is not and should not be a project manager because their focus should be on business needs and never on management of a project team.
Product Owner'ın Es Geçilmesi - Overruling the Product Owner
"my budget, my feature" gibi konulara dikkat etmek lazım. Aslında anahtar cümle şöyle. Yani PO'nun ikna edilmesi gerekir.
Those wanting to change the Product Backlog can do so by trying to convince the Product Owner.
Product Owner'ın bilgisi dışında örneğin pazarlamadan birisini isteklerinin yapılması Scrum'a uygun değildir. Bir örnek şöyle.
I'd argue that if a "random salesperson" has even access to random developer, ... You are not doing SCRUM, you are doing CHAOS
Product Owner Günlük Toplantılara Katılmalı mı ?
Katılmamalı diye cevap verenler var. Bu düşünceye karşı "Commitment vs Involvement" fikri öne sürülüyor. Hikaye şöyle
One day the chicken decides that the two should start a restaurant.

The pig is intrigued by the idea and says, “That sounds great. I’m an entrepreneurial type of hog. I’m sick of working for the farmer. But what are we going to call the restaurant?”

The chicken thinks. Then she scratches and pecks at the dirt and suggests, “Ham and Eggs!”

To which the pig replies, “No thanks, I’d be committed. You’d only be involved.”
Commitment bağlılık/adanmışlık diye, Involvement ise dahil olma diye tercüme edilirse aradaki fark ortaya çıkar. Product Owner benim fikrimce Commitment yani adanmışlık göstermeli.

Product Owner ve Epic'ler
Epic yazısına taşıdım.

Product Owner Olarak Müşteri
Genellikle müşterinin bu rolü oynaması istenir. Ancak müşteri bu rolden kaçıyorsa, Müşteri ile arayüzü sağlayacak PO Proxy kullanılabilir.

Product Backlog
Product Backlog yazısına taşıdım.

Product Owner'ın Sürekli Meşgul Olması
Bu en çok şikayet edilen konulardan birisi. Product Owner olmak zaten çok vakit isteyen bir şey. Açıklaması şöyle.
The Product Owner role can be very time-consuming.  Many who are new to the role are not ready for the commitment, or just don’t know that they need to be so involved.  Collaboration is critical in the Agile world.  Business people and developers need to work together to produce software that the business wants.  This happens by constant communication, collaboration and short feedback cycles to validate or make course corrections.
Product Owner'dan Kısa ve Tam Cevap Alabilmek
Bazen soruyu net ve tam sorabilmek alınan cevabı etkiler. Açıklaması şöyle
You don't ask open ended questions. You ask concise, directed questions for specific relevant information pertaining to a task or project they care about or have some stake in.
Çelişen Gereksinimlere Çözüm Bulmak
Farklı projelerin birbiri ile çelişen gereksinimlerini çözmek bu kişinin görevidir. Böylece her şeyi konfigürasyon dosyalarına yerleştirmek zorunda kalmayız. PO'nun görev tanımı şöyledir.
Communication is a main function of the product owner. The ability to convey priorities and empathize with team members and stakeholders are vital to steer the project in the right direction. Product owners bridge the communication gap between the team and their stakeholders. As Figure 1 shows, they serve as a proxy stakeholder to the development team and as a project team representative to the overall stakeholder community.
Scrum Guide ve Product Owner
Scrum Guide'da tanımlı Product Owner açıklaması şöyle.
- The Product Owner is responsible for the maximizing of the value of the work of the Development Team.

- Product Owners do so by managing the Product Backlog, visible in its content and ordering of Product Backlog items.

- The Product Backlog represents the only set of requirements the Development Team will work on and shall comprise of everything the product requires to be valuable.

- The Scrum Team never compromises on quality.

- The definition of “Done” is either provided by the engineering organization or the Development Team.

- During the Sprint Planning, the Product Owner discusses Product Backlog items suitable to achieve the Sprint Goal.

- However, only the Development Team picks the Product Backlog items it deems necessary to achieve the Sprint Goal.

- If necessary, the Development Team adds new Product Backlog items to the Sprint Backlog as more is learned.

- If the Development Team improves the definition of “Done,” rework of former product Increments may become necessary.

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