7 Haziran 2023 Çarşamba

Polyglot Persistence Nedir ?

Açıklaması şöyle
Polyglot persistence is a term that refers to using multiple data storage technologies within a single system, in order to meet varying data storage needs.
İlk Nerede Ortaya Çıktı
Bu terim 2011 yılı civarında Martin Fowler Tarafından icat edilmiş. Orijinal yazı burada

Açıklaması şöyle. Çıkış noktası ise mikro servis mimarisine doğru gidişte her servisin kendi ihtiyacına göre verisini saklaması.
This concept of platform diversity was extended by Martin Fowler to databases in approx. 2011 when he coined (in what he calls his "bliki" - blog/wiki) the term polyglot persistence. His point was that different functionalities within a system can be best served by different databases
With the current move away from software monoliths and the trend for microservices where each area of a system is a different programme, possibly/probably living in a different container and/or server, this model is becoming more and more pertinent since the universal data interchange language of JSON and RESTful web services means that the impedance mismatch between different database systems is mitigated and not as important as it perhaps once was.

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