18 Ocak 2023 Çarşamba

Yazılım Mimarisi Deployment - Canlıya Geçirme - Rolling Deployment - Eski Sistem Yavaş Yavaş Kapatılır

Açıklaması şöyle
The rolling deployment strategy is the default strategy by Kubernetes that slowly replaces the old pods of the previous version with the pods of the new version. 
Şeklen şöyle

Eski sistemler teker teker kapatılır
Blue sayısı kadar green servis çalıştırılır. İşini bitiren blue servisler teker teker kapatılır. Bunun adımları şöyle. Burada önemli olan blue servisin işlemi bitirdiğini anlayabilmek. Eğer green yani yeni sistemde problem varsa blue sistem kapatılmadığı için rollback edilebilir. Buna aynı zamanda "Rolling Upgrade" de veya "Rolled Updates" deniliyor.
- Standing up a matching number of “green” instances of your microservice that contain the change that you wish to deploy.
- Once you’re happy that those green instances are healthy, adding them into the load balancer so that they receive traffic.
- Removing the blue instances from the load balancer, and once they have finished processing any inflight requests, throwing them away.
Açıklaması şöyle
1. Start a new already upgraded server (server 3).
2. move server 1 clients to server 3.
3. Upgrade server 1
4. Move server 2 clients to server 1.
5. Delete server 2 as you now have servers 1 and 3 running the upgraded software?
Rolling Deployment için açıklama şöyle
 A Rolling deployment deploys progressively with automated validation and health checks in each step. In a rolling deployment model, the new application services are added to the shared load balancer and the traffic will start to be shared between the old and new applications. Automated validation in each new replica helps determine if the release is still on track or if rollback is necessary.

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