29 Temmuz 2022 Cuma

Amazon Web Service (AWS) - Elastic Kubernetes services(EKS)

Açıklaması şöyle
Amazon EKS is a managed service that makes it easy for you to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install and operate your own Kubernetes control plane or worker nodes.
Açıklaması şöyle
Amazon EKS helps developers create, deploy and scale Kubernetes applications on-premises or in the AWS cloud. EKS automates tasks such as patching, updates and node provisioning, thereby helping organizations to ship reliable, secure and highly scalable clusters. While doing so, EKS takes away all the tedium and manual configuration tasks to manage Kubernetes clusters, helping to cut-down on efforts of performing repetitive tasks to run your applications.

Since EKS is an upstream offering of Kubernetes, you can use all existing Kubernetes plugins and tools for your application. This service automatically deploys Kubernetes with three master nodes across multiple availability zones for ultimate reliability and resilience. With Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and Amazon’s Identity and Access Management (IAM) entities, you can easily manage security in your AWS clusters using Kubernetes tools, such as kubectl. As one of its core features, EKS allows launching and managing Kubernetes clusters easy using a few easy steps.
Açıklaması şöyle. Yani AWS EKS kullanmak daha mantıklı. 
We chose Kubernetes (EKS) over ECS for several reasons, but the main one was due to its ability to scale up and scale down faster, making it a very effective method. Based on the amount of documentation and actual development being done on the underlying systems; Kubernetes is much more recent and updated than ECS. In addition, it allows developers to have a far less complex infrastructure setup, along with much more complete tooling.

Kubernetes makes it easier to see and understand everything that’s going on with all your deployments. In ECS we had several different services running in different places, but there was no way to see an overview of everything that was running and what was being deployed.

In addition, Kubernetes has several third-party extensions you can add to further improve your experience. For example, our dev team is using Keel which watches for new versions of our services to be pushed and then deploys them automatically.

Another reason to use Kubernetes is because it’s a system made up of several standards that can “run anywhere”. This means if we ever had to do on-prem again it would be easy to port our infrastructure to an on-prem Kubernetes cluster because it speaks the same language. It’s also possible to run a Kubernetes cluster on your own laptop if you want to mirror what was deployed onto a local machine.

Finally, Kubernetes is a more industry-standard system than ECS that exists on every cloud provider, not just AWS. Plus, it’s easier these days to find developers who understand Kubernetes compared to ECS.
Ayrıca How To Migrate From ECS to EKS and the #1 Trick To Make EKS Easier yazısına da bakılabilir. Bu yazıda ECS proprietary (tescilli) teknoloji olduğu için uygulamayı başka bir bulut sağlayıcısına port etmek gerekirse zorluklar olabileceğinden bahsediliyor.

Şeklen şöyle

Bileşenler şöyle
An Amazon EKS cluster consists of the following core objects
- EKS control plane
- EKS nodes(Worker Nodes) that are registered with the control plane
- AWS Fargate Profiles
Ekran görüntüsü şöyle. "Add cluster" düğmesi ile yeni cluster eklenir

Cluster'daki node'ların ekran görüntüsü şöyle

Cluster Büyüklüğü
EKS Design: Choosing the cluster and node size yazısına bakılabilir. Yazıdaki bir cümle şöyle
... you will need to decide on the initial cluster and node sizes, and then keep adjusting them until you reach the correct utilization level to achieve a balance between cost and reliability. You can target a utilisation level of between 70 and 80% unless you have a solid justification for using a different level.

eksctl komutu
EKS ile çalışmayı kolaylaştırır. eksctl komutu yazısına taşıdım

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