14 Mart 2022 Pazartesi

GPLv2 - General Public License (Genel Kamu Lisansı)

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GPLv2 de eski. Eski olduğu şu sorudan anlaşılabilir
Q: Why does GPLv2 include a mailing address (51 Franklin Street) in the license notice?
A : It may help to remember that version 2 of the GNU GPL was published in June 1991. According to Wikipedia, only 11% of people in the developed world had internet access in 1997, and I can assure you that in 1991 it was very much fewer than that. Most university research users had it, though often not undergraduates; outside academia, it was really quite unusual to find access either from work or from home.
Normalde GPLv2 lisansını GPLv3 yapmak mümkün değil. Açıklaması şöyle.
Please note that GPLv2 is, by itself, not compatible with GPLv3. However, most software released under GPLv2 allows you to use the terms of later versions of the GPL as well. When this is the case, you can use the code under GPLv3 to make the desired combination.
EğerGPLv2 lisansındaki cümle şöyle ise kodu GPLv3 yaparak tekrar yayınlamak mümkün. Açıklaması şöyle.
If the GPLv2 code says "or any later version" then you may distribute your modified work entirely under the GPLv3. Otherwise, you must stick with the GPLv2.
Örneğin Linux kernel kodu bu cümleyi içermediği için GPLv3 olamıyor. Açıklaması şöyle.
Linus specified GPL2 ONLY (without the "or later" clause) for his creation - so that others who contributed to it have to use that as well - which has caused some intense discussions over the years I believe! 

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