Video kavramları oldukça karışık. Bazı öğrendiğim şeyleri not etmek istedim
Video için şu kavramları bilmek gerekir. bit sayısı, frame sayısı, çözünürlük, aspect oranı ve kullanılan codec.
Container vs Codec
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Container vs Codec
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The main difference is that the codec is the actual software that does the compressing of your video file, while the container is the package the final project is delivered in for playback.
Bir başka açıklama şöyle.
Some main definitions:- A codec (e.g., H.264, HEVC, VP9) is only responsible for the video or audio part, and one or more codecs can be merged into a container.- A container (e.g., MP4, MKV) is responsible for keeping them together and this is also what you usually open up in your media player of choice.- A particular encoder (e.g., x264, libvpx) is responsible for turning an input stream into a codec-compliant bitstream. There are often multiple encoders for one particular codec.
Buradaki şu fark önemli. Codec genellikle sadece bir standart. Bu standardı gerçekleştiren farklı encoder'lar var. Farkı vurgulayan bir açıklama şöyle
Consider the case for H.264. The standard's name is H.264 – that's not the name of the actual encoder. Mainconcept is a very good commercial encoder, whereas x264 is a free and open source one....The mere fact that you can optimize encoding makes for a competition here. Both encoders will deliver a standardized bitstream that can always be decoded by a H.264-compliant decoder.
Movie dosyalarının çoğu aslında container dosyalardır (avi, quicktime gibi) Bu dosyalar içinde stream'ler bulunur. Bir stream'lerden bir tanesi video stream'dir, diğer ise audio stream'dir. Stream ise frame'lerden oluşur. Frame'ler codec ile yazılır ve okunurlar.
Bazı container formatları şöyle
- MP4
- SWF . Shockwave Flash aslında bu tam bir video container değil, çok daha fazlası
ffmpef tarafından desteklenen container'ları görmek için şöyle yaparız
ffmpeg -formats
Codec - Çözücüler
- AV1
- DivX
- MP3
- H.264
- VP9
MP4 Container
Açıklaması şöyle
The most popular video format is MP4, also known as MPEG 4. MP4 is a multimedia container for video, audio, and data, including things like subtitles and still images. Make sure you don’t confuse MPEG 4 and MPEG 4 Audio. MPEG 4 has the file extension .MP4, while MPEG 4 Audio has the file extension .M4A and can only contain audio files. So, why exactly is MP4 so popular? Well it mainly has to do with how ubiquitous it is across a range of devices. Both mobile and desktop devices can playback MP4 video files, so it makes sense that it would be used by most content producers.MP4 files are played at a constant bit rate (CBR), meaning the quality of your video stream will remain at the same bitrate no matter the variance in your internet bandwidth.
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