18 Haziran 2019 Salı

Scrum - Definition of Done

Kurumlar kendilerine göre "Definition of Done" nedir tanımlamalıdır. Hatta gerekirse bir checklist bile oluşturulabilir.

Genellikle hikayenin bitmesi yazılı olan tüm testlerini geçmesi ve bilinen hatası olmaması anlamına gelir.

Halen hata varsa story bitmiş kabul edilmez. Yarım bitmiş hikayeden de point alınmaz!

Testler Konusunda İki Farklı Yöntem Var
1. Continuous Delivery
2. Continuous Deployment

Continuous Delivery
Açıklaması şöyle
Continuous delivery is a software engineering concept where software is delivered in short sequences, making sure that software can be released at any time. The goals of continuous delivery are to build, test, and release software faster and more often.
Continuous delivery is what happens when a new code goes to QA for testing. It occurs in a production-like staging environment, and changes are being manually released into production when the code is reviewed.
Continuous Deployment
Açıklaması şöyle
 ... continuous deployment doesn’t happen in a production-like staging environment. In this case, the code isn’t manually reviewed — automated testing is integrated and goes through the entire release process. There’s no waiting for the code to pass the testing phase before it moves into live production.

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