1 Nisan 2019 Pazartesi

Gömülü Proje - Single Linked List

removeLast metodu
Şöyle yaparız.
function removeLast() {

  // Edge case when there is only 1 element in the queue.
  if (head == tail) {                   // O(1)
    value = head.value                // O(1)
    head = null                       // O(1)
    tail = null                       // O(1)

    return value                      // O(1)

  // Searching for the new tail.
  newTail = head                        // O(1)
  while (newTail.next != tail) {        // O(n)
    newTail = newTail.next            // O(1)

  value = tail.value                    // O(1)
  newTail.next = null                   // O(1)
  tail = newTail                        // O(1)

  return tail                           // O(1)    

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