30 Ekim 2014 Perşembe

SOI 1 - Software Planning Review Checklist

Amaç eğer planlar uygulanırsa, DO-178B tarafından belirtilen hedeflere ulaşılıp ulaşılamayacağını değerlendirmek. Planlar ve standartlar olgunlaşınca SOI-1 denetimi yapılır.

Planlama aşamasında bence en kolay yöntem Waterfall (şelale) modelini kullanmak. Şu cümleyi destekliyorum
You may prefer to plan your development using waterfall in order to have verification steps and controlled transition periods. This has the benefit of staying in line with any government regulations that may be in place.

Planlar Nelerdir?
SOI-1 öncesinde hazırlanan ve sertifikasyon otoritesine gönderilen planlar şunlar. Bu planların hiçbirisi için bir şablon sunulmuyor! Kendi şablonumuzu geliştirmek veya mevcut bir şablonu uyarlamak gerek. Açıklaması şöyle
If you’re not planning your DO-178C project, then you’re doing it wrong.

Within DO-178C during SOI#1 you need to get some solid plans in place.

You must develop:

1. Plan for Software Aspects of Certification (PSAC): a description of the software you plan to develop, the hardware environment it will be used in, the design assurance processes you will follow, and how you will demonstrate compliance, including how you will verify your implemented code and any commercial tools you will use in your
verification. This acts as the parent planning document.

2. Software Development Plan (SDP): a description of the software development processes and the software life cycle that is used to satisfy DO-178C objectives.

3. Software Verification Plan ( SVP): a description of the verification processes (Reviews, Analyses and Tests) used to satisfy DO-178C objectives.

4. Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP): a description of the methods and environment that will be used to configure all of the design data and compliance evidence needed to achieve DO-178C certification.

5. Software Quality Assurance Plan ( SQAP): a description of the methods and associated records that will be used to ensure that DO-178C quality assurance objectives are satisfied.

For DALs C and higher, as well as producing the above planning documents, you will also need to establish and document the standards you will use for Requirements, Design, and Code, documenting the methods, rules, and tools you will use to ensure complete and consistent generation of these items in a way that will meet DO-178C and project objectives.

Once your plans are complete you can take the first step in the compliance process by having the SOI#1 review with your certification authority.
PSAC yazısına taşıdım

SDP developesthe software life cycle(s) and software development environment (11.2)

SVP defines the means by which the software verification process will be satisfied (11.3)

SCMP defines the means by which the system configuration management process objectives will be satisfied (11.4)

SQAP defines the means by which software quality assurance will be satisfied (11.5)

Gözden Geçirme
Aşağıdaki notları FAA'nın Sofware Approval Guidelines pdf'inden aldım.

SOI 1 için aşağıdaki belgelere ihtiyaç duyulur.

Burada önemli olan Software Requirements, Design ve Code için kullanılan standartlar belgeleri. Bu standartların hazır olması gerekir. Kod için "Yazılım Kodlama Standardı" kullanıldığı belirtilir.

Alt Seviye Gereksinimler (Low Level Requirements) D0-178B sürecinde tasarım olarak kabul edilir. Dolayısıyla tasarım denilince ilk akla gelen UML diyagramları olmamalıdır.

SOI 1'de DER tarafından Job Aid'deki liste kullanılır. Toplam 11 soru başlığı var. Her başlık altında alt sorular bulunuyor.

1.1Review all plans (PSAC, SCMP, SQAP, SDP, SVP, software tool
qualification plans, etc.) and standards. Based on your review of all the
plans, consider the following questions:
1.2Determine if additional considerations defined in Section 12 of DO-178B
have been documented and addressed in the plans. Consider the following
1.3Review PSAC and consider the following questions:
1.4Review SDP and consider the following questions:
1.5Review the SCM plan and consider the following questions:
1.6Review the SQA plan and consider the following questions:.
1.7Review the SVP and consider the following questions:
1.8Develop an understanding of the system from applicant's plans, safety assessment, standards, and briefings
1.9Review the software development standards and consider the following
1.10Review the plans to determine if real-time aspects of the software
implementation have been addressed. Consider if the following questions
have been addressed in the plans:
1.11If object-oriented technology is used. Consider if the following questions
have been addressed:

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