4 Ekim 2015 Pazar

Windows Registry

Windows Registry Nedir?
Ağaç şeklinde bir veritabanıdır. Kullanıması artık pek tavsiye edilmiyor. Bazı sebepler şöyle.
  • The registry is a single point of failure. That's why every single registry editing tip you'll ever find starts with a big fat screaming disclaimer about how you can break your computer with regedit.
  • The registry is opaque and binary. As much as I dislike the angle bracket tax, at least XML config files are reasonably human-readable, and they allow as many comments as you see fit.
  • The registry has to be in sync with the filesystem. Delete an application without "uninstalling" it and you're left with stale registry cruft. Or if an app has a poorly written uninstaller. The filesystem is no longer the statement of record-- it has to be kept in sync with the registry somehow. It's a total violation of the DRY principle.
  • The registry is monolithic. Let's say you wanted to move an application to a different path on your machine, or even to a different machine altogether. Good luck extracting the relevant settings for that one particular application from the giant registry tarball. A given application typically has dozens of settings strewn all over the registry.

Hive Nedir?
Windows Registry konu başlıklarına bölünmüş. Başlıklara da Hive (kovan) ismi verilmiş.

Temel hive'lar şunlar.

Giriş yapmış kullanıcı hakkında bilgi saklayan kovan.

sadece bir kere çalışmasını istediğimiz iş için kullanılır.

Kullanıcılar hakkında bilgi saklayan kovan.

Registry Sınıfı
LocalMachine View
Şöyle kullanırız.

DeleteSubKey metodu
var hklm = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine;
var subkey = hklm.OpenSubKey("Software\\Wow6432Node\\WindowsApplication1", true);
DeleteSubKeyTree metodu
DeleteValue metodu
string keyName = @"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run";
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyName, true))
RegistryKey Sınıfı
OpenBaseKey metodu
Bir key şöyle açılır.
RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Default)

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