17 Ekim 2024 Perşembe

Law Of Demeter - A'nın C'ye Erişimi Yönetmesi

Bu yöntemde çoğunlukla A nesnesine C'ye erişim için yeni metodlar ekleniyor. Açıklaması şöyle
Instead, give clients restricted access to operations on the collection through messages that you implement. (Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck)

Instead, offer methods that provide limited, meaningful access to the information in the collections. (Implementation Patterns, Kent Beck)
Şu kod yerine
Şöyle yaparız.
class A {
  private B b;

  void doSomething() {

  Items getItems() {
    return b.getItems();
Şöyle kodlarız.
Reservation->Show->Rows->Seats sınıfların erişmek yerine
int selectedRow =...;
int selectedSeat = ...;
if (show.getRows().get(selectedRow).getSeats().get(selectedSeat)
 .getReservationStatus()) {
Şöyle yaparız.
int selectedRow = ...;
int selectedSeat = ...;
if (show.isSeatReserved(selectedRow, selectedSeat)) {...}
Şöyle yaparız
public class Order {
  private final MutableList<LineItem> lineItems = Lists.mutable.empty();

  public Order addLineItem(String name, double value) {
    this.lineItems.add(new LineItem(name, value));
    return this;

  public void forEachLineItem(Procedure<LineItem> procedure) {

  public int totalLineItemCount() {
    return this.lineItems.size();

  public int countOfLineItem(String name) {
    return this.lineItems.count(lineItem -> lineItem.name().equals(name));

  public double totalOrderValue() {
    return this.lineItems.sumOfDouble(LineItem::value);

public record LineItem(String name, double value) {}
Bu kodu synchronized hale getirmek istersek karşımızı bir başka problem çıkıyor. 
1. Yeni bir SynchronizedOrder yazmak
2. lineItems nesnesini synchronized  hale getirmek
3. CopyOnWrite yöntemini kullanmak

Bu durumda kod şöyle olur
public record Order(ImmutableBag<LineItem> lineItems) {
  public Order() {

  public Order addLineItem(String name, double value) {
    return new Order(lineItems.newWith(new LineItem(name, value)));

  public double totalOrderValue() {
    return this.lineItems.sumOfDouble(LineItem::value);

public record LineItem(String name, double value) {}

15 Ekim 2024 Salı

AWS Athena

Ad-hoc queries on S3 with Some - CTAS. 

Açıklaması şöyle. Burada detaylı bir örnek var
AWS Athena enabled the option to analyze the unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data stored in Amazon S3 using simple SQL queries. In addition, query results can be saved and used for further reference.

11 Ekim 2024 Cuma

Table-Augmented Generation - TAG

Açıklaması şöyle
Current AI methods for querying databases, such as Text2SQL and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), fall significantly short. These models are limited by their design, either only interpreting natural language as SQL queries or relying on simple lookups that fail to capture the complexity of real-world questions.

Why does this matter? Using Natural Language to query SQL databases is the new norm ever since LLMs started capturing the limelight! Businesses today are drowning in data but starving for insights. The inability of existing methods to effectively leverage both AI’s semantic reasoning and databases’ computational power is a major bottleneck in making data…

Azure Cosmos Veri Tabanı

Açıklaması şöyle
Azure Cosmos DB is a multi-model database service that supports various data models, including key-value, column-family, document, and graph.
Graph model
Açıklaması şöyle
Its graph model is based on the Gremlin API, which allows Cosmos DB to store and query graph data. While Cosmos DB can handle graph data, it is not a native graph database like Neo4j.
Graph Query Language
Açıklaması şöyle
Cosmos DB uses the Gremlin query language for graph operations. While Gremlin is also a graph traversal language, it is more general and less expressive compared to Cypher, especially for complex graph queries. Neo4j’s Cypher language often allows for simpler, more readable graph queries.
ACID Transactions
Açıklaması şöyle
Cosmos DB offers multi-model ACID transactions at the partition level but may not provide the same level of fine-grained ACID transaction support for graph-specific operations as Neo4j does, especially when transactions span multiple partitions.

4 Ekim 2024 Cuma

AWS RDS - Relational Database Service

MySql, PostgreSQL gibi ilişkisel veri tabanı sağlar. Açıklaması şöyle
Amazon RDS is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.
Açıklaması şöyle
Amazon RDS is one of the most basic AWS database services, used mainly for offloading your database management operations to a platform. Therefore, it is used for small or medium enterprises where the data volume is limited, and the functionalities required for company operations are not too complex.

Amazon RDS supports database engines such as MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. It comes with workflows to secure your RDS instance using SSH and offers a straightforward cloud console for connecting.
  1. Amazon RDS is the most inexpensive service, thanks to its ease of usage and lack of complexity.
  2. It is highly scalable and allows you to scale up to 32 vCPUs and 244 Gb of RAM.
  3. This service is also easy to use and pretty fast.
Desteklenen ilişkisel veri tabanları şöyle
1. Aurora
2. Postgres SQL
3. MySQL Server
4. SQL Server
5. Oracle
6. Maria DB
RDS Özellikleri
Bunlar şöyle
- Multiple Availability Zones
- Optional Read Replicas
- Automatic Instance Backups
Replication - Postgres
Açıklaması şöyle
With RDS you can choose up to two replicas located in separate availability zones, providing one primary instance (writer) and the other two stand-by (reader) instances.

The communication between the primary and the stand-by instances is done synchronously to guarantee that no data is lost.

You have a specific reader endpoint that can help with the read latency, while directing the writes to the primary. If the primary is no longer fit to receive writes, a failover will take place and one of the stand-by instances will be promoted as the new primary within 35–60 seconds. During this time attempts to write are expected to fail.

By choosing this approach,you can achieve the redundancy needed, with expected uptimes of 99.95%.

Scaling RDS
Bunlar şöyle
- Scale Manually 
- Scale Automatically
Performance Insights
AWS RDS tarafından sağlanır, en fazla performans kullanan 10 tane SQL cümlesini gösterir.

Örnek - PostgreSQL
IP adresi "Publicly accessible" true olmalı. Inbound rule çalışmıyor. Silip tekrar yaratmak gerekebilir. Bir video burada

Örnek - MySQL
Şeklen şöyle. IP adresi "Publicly accessible" true olmalı.